DALAM sejarah musik dunia, terutama rock, mungkin hanya Deep Purple grup yang paling sering bongkar-pasang formasi. Bayangkan, sejak dibentuk tahun 1968, grup asal Inggris ini tak kurang telah delapan kali bongkar pasang line up mereka. Bahkan, untuk menandai kekhususannya, setiap formasi itu diberi nama “Mark”. Maka jadilah, Deep Purple versi formasi Mark I hingga saat ini, Mark VIII.

Setiap Mark, tentu punya kisah dan cerita tersendiri. Setiap Mark memiliki sukses sendiri. Namun, hanya satu yang tak berubah dari Deep Purple. Sejak dulu, hingga sekarang, mereka tetap mendapat julukan sebagai pionir heavy metal atau hard rock modern, bersama Led Zeppelin, dan Black Sabbath.
Ya, mulai Mark I, yang menghasilkan tiga album: Shades of Deep Purple, The Book of Taliesyn (1968), dan Deep Purple (1969), hingga Mark VIII yang terakhir mengeluarkan album Rapture of Deep Purple pada tahun 2005, yang merupakan album ke-18 mereka, Deep Purple tetap selalu mendapat tempat di hati pencintanya.
Dari total delapan Mark ini, ada satu komposisi klasik, yang sampai tiga kali terbentuk, hingga disebut Mark IIa, IIb, dan IIc . Formasi ini terdiri dari Ian Gillan (vokal), Ritchie Blackmore (gitar), Roger Glover (bass), Ian Paice (drum), dan Jon Lord (kibor).
Lewat komposisi ini, Deep Purple berhasil merilis delapan dari total 18 album studio mereka. Lagu-lagu yang dihasilkan line up ini juga begitu melegenda. Sebut saja “Hush”, “Child in Time”, Soldier of Fortune”,”Highway Star”, “Burn”, “Strange Kind of Woman”, “Black Night”, dan banyak lagi. Lewat komposisi ini pulalah Deep Purple menjulang setinggi langit melalui masterpiece mereka, “Smoke on The Water” di album Machine Head tahun 1972.

Kehadiran Deep Purple di akhir 1960-an memang seperti telah mengubah peta musik rock dunia. Gaya bermusik dan aliran yang mereka tawarkan sangat berbeda dengan gaya rock yang berkibar ketika itu. Terutama lewat album Fireball di tahun 1971, yang menurut saya merupakan album terbaik Deep Purple.
Lewat gitaran Blackmore, musik Deep Purple jadi begitu kental dengan nuansa hard rock modern, alias heavy metal. Berbeda dengan Led Zeppelin dan Black Sabbath yang lebih kental nuansa blues.
Tak heran, jika belakangan, Deep Purple banyak menginspirasi grup-grup sesudah mereka. Begitu juga dengan Blackmore, yang hingga kini masih didaulat legenda gitaris rock dunia.
Bahkan, meski sempat vakum lama antara periode 1976-83, grup yang pernah dua kali mampir ke Indonesia itu tetap tak kehilangan sihirnya di mata penggemar mereka. Buktinya, hingga saat ini, mereka telah mampu menjual total lebih dari 100 juta kopi album! Mereka juga sempat mencatat rekor sebagai “Grup Paling Berisik” oleh Guiness Book of World Records .

Gambar Deep Purple di Indonesia
Kekuatan gitaran Blackmore dan sentuhan jemari Lord di tuts kibor menjadi kunci sukses lebih dari setengah perjalanan karier Deep Purple. Ya, sejak awal, perpaduan Blackmore-Lord memang seperti sudah menjadi “ruh” musik Deep Purple.
Meski bergonta-ganti personel untuk instrumen lain, duo Blackmore-Lord tetap menguasai musik Deep Purple. Blackmore memang sempat hengkang pada tahun 1976 untuk kemudian kembali pada 1984, sebelum akhirnya kembali cabut, tahun 1993.
Namun, sosok Blackmore telah kadung menjadi ikon Deep Purple lantaran gitaran telah menjiwai 13 dari total 18 album. Deep Purple sebenarnya sempat mendapat pengganti setimpal, saat Blackmore memutuskan benar-benar hengkang. Sayang, sang suksesor, Tommy Bolin, hanya mendapat kesempatan tampil di satu album, Come Taste the Band (1975) lantaran keburu meninggal karena overdosis pada tahun 1976. Padahal, banyak pengamat menyebut,Bolin cukup memberikan warna baru pada musik Deep Purple. Terutama pada lagu “You Keep on Moving” di mana dia berduet begitu asyik dengan Lord.
Di awal lagu, Bolin bermain halus, lalu berubah menjadi dahsyat sebelum membuat ritem yang begitu pas, untuk melodi kibor Lord pada interlude. Bolin sendiri memberikan warna di lagu ini lewat melodi-melodi colongan.
Maestro gitar rock modern, Joe Satriani juga sempat masuk line up, sebelum digantikan Steve Morse yang bergabung pada 1994, hingga saat ini. Lewat jemari Morse inilah banyak orang menyebut musik Deep Purple mengalami banyak perubahan. Apalagi, posisi Lord di tuts kibord kemudian juga digantikan Don Airey, pada tahun 2002.
Di album debutnya bersama Deep Purple, Purpendicular, yang dirilis tahun 1996, Morse yang pernah bergabung dengan Dixie Regs dan Kansas, langsung membuktikan kapasitasnya sebagai gitaris andal. Terasa sekali, musik rock-baca heavy metal– ala Deep Purple jadi lebih modern, saat kita mendengar lagu “Somebody Stole My Guitar”. Kocokan gitar Morse seperti menjadi asyik untuk dititi oleh range vokal Gillan yang begitu lebar.
Sementara di lagu jagoan “Vavoom, Ted The Mechanic”, Morse berhasil memasukkan teknik-teknik gitaran rock modern ala gitaris shredder alias gitaris yang mengandalkan kecepatan tangan. Sungguh, mendengar lagu ini, bukan seperti Deep Purple. Saya merasa seperti tengah mendengar aksi Nuno Bettencourt, yang terkenal dengan permaianan kecepatan jemari di atas dawai gitar.

Di album terakhir Deep Purple, Rapture of Deep Purple, yang dirilis tahun 2005, Morse makin membuktikan kapasitasnya untuk bisa larut dengan musik Deep Purple. Di album ini pula, Airey semakin mengentalkan permainannya di musik Deep Purple. Tidak seperti di album debutnya, Bananas, di tahun 2003, di album Rapture of Deep Purple, Airey memberikan sentuhan khusus “Clearly Quite Absurd“ lewat permainan kibornya.
Namun, terlepas dari itu semua, bagaimana pun Morse dan Airey patut mendapat apresiasi khusus akan kontribusinya “menyelamatkan” hidup Deep Purple. Terutama Morse, yang sejak awal kedatangannya, sebenarnya sempat memancing keraguan para penggemar.
“Saya tahu, saya memang akan selalu menjadi ‘anak baru’ di band ini,” ujar Morse, yang kerap dianggap kalah garang, dari Blackmore, saat membawakan lagu-lagu seperti “Smoke on The Water”, “Woman from Tokyo” ataupun “Highway Star”, di panggung. “Tapi, sebenarnya, saya telah bergabung dengan band ini jauh lebih lama dari yang orang pikir.”
Selain soal “gitar dan kibor”, masalah pergantian vokalis, juga sempat jadi pergunjingan media dan penggemar. Seperti diketahui, selain Gillan, masih ada David Coverdale dan Joe Lynn Turner, yang ikut berkontribusi mengangkat nama Deep Purple. Di luar Rod Evans, tentu saja yang merupakan vokalis pertama Deep Purple dan tampil di tiga album awal mereka.
Namun, memang, untuk yang satu ini, sulit membantah, jika disebut vokal Gillan lebih mengena di lagu-lagu Deep Purple. Mungkin lantaran dia tampil paling dominan, tampi di sembilan album Deep Purple. Sementara kehadiran Coverdale (tiga album), dan Lynn Turner (satu) bisa dibilang hanya “pemanis”.
Walau, tetap harus diakui, kehadiran Coverdale dan Lynn Turner cukup memberi napas lebih panjang, lantaran keduanya memang memiliki vokal dengan range yang kurang lebih sama dengan Gillan. Terutama Coverdale yang bahkan sempat melambungkan lagu “Burn” dan “Strombringer”. Bahkan, vokalis, yang belakangan berjaya bersama Whitesnake itu juga berhasil mempertontonkan vokal khasnya di lagu balada “Soldier of Fortune” yang legendaris itu.
Saat ini, Deep Purple sendiri tengah dalam perjalanan tur dunia mereka yang dinamai “Deep Purple: The Songs That Built Rock Tour“.
Berikut adalah Siscography Deep Purple

Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan Deep Purple, grup legendaris yang telah banyak malang melintang du kancah musik dunia. Grup ini telah menjadi inspirasi bagi grup-grup band di seantero dunia. Bahkan si raja dangdut Rhoma Irama telah mengadopsi irama musik dangdutnya dengan aransemen mirip Deep Purple ini.
password : muro
Shades Of Deep Purple (1968)

01. And The Address
02. Hush
03. One More Rainy Day
04. Prelude:Happiness I’m So Glad
05. Mandrake Root
06. Help
07. Love Help Me
08. Hey Joe
09. Shadows (Album Out Take)
10. Love Help Me (Instrumental Version)
11. Help (Alternate Take)
12. Hey Joe (BBC Top Gear Session)
13. Hush (Live US TV)
The Book Of Taliesyn (1969)

01. Listen, Learn, Read On
02. Hard Road (Wring That Neck)
03. Kentucky Woman
04. Exposition/We Can Work It Out
05. Shield
06. Anthem
07. River Deep, Mountain High
08. Oh No No No
09. It’s All Over
10. Hey Bop a Re Bop
11. Hard Road (Wring That Neck)
12. Playground
Deep Purple (1969)

02. Blind
03. Lalena
04. Fault Line
05. The Painter
06. Why Didn’t Rosemary?
07. Bird Has Flown
08. April
Concerto For Group And Orchestra (1969)

02. First Movement - Moderato – Allegro
03. Second Movement – Andante
04. Third Movement - Vivace – Presto
Deep Purple in Rock (1970)

02. Bloodsucker
03. Child in Time
04. Flight Of The Rat
05. Into the Fire
06. Living Wreck
07. Hard Lovin’ Man
Turn Around, Live Long Beach Arena (1971)

01. Speed King
02. Strange Kind Of Woman
03. Child In Time
04. Mandrake Root
02. Strange Kind Of Woman
03. Child In Time
04. Mandrake Root
Fireball (1971)

02. No No No
03. Demon's Eye
04. Anyone’s Daughter
05. Mule
06. Fools
07. No One Came
Machine Head (1972)

02. Maybe I’m a Leo
03. Pictures of Home
04. Never Before
05. Smoke on the Water
06. Lazy
07. Space Truckin’
In Concert (1970/1972)

1. Speed King
2. Child in Time
3. Wring That Neck
4. Mandrake Root
2. Child in Time
3. Wring That Neck
4. Mandrake Root
CD 2.
1. Highway Star
2. Strange Kind of Woman
3. Maybe I’m a Leo
4. Never Before
5. Lazy
6. Space Truckin’
7. Smoke on the Water
8. Lucille
2. Strange Kind of Woman
3. Maybe I’m a Leo
4. Never Before
5. Lazy
6. Space Truckin’
7. Smoke on the Water
8. Lucille
Made in Japan (1972)

01. Highway Star
02. Child in Time
03. Smoke on the Water
04. Mule (Drum Solo)
05. Strange Kind of Woman
06. Lazy
07. Space Truckin’
Who Do We Think We Are (1973)

02. Mary Long
03. Super Trouper
04. Smooth Dancer
05. Rat Bat Blue
06. Place in Line
07. Our Lady
Mk II: Final Truckin', Live Osaka (1973)

01. Highway Star
02. Smoke On The Water
03. Strange Kind Of Woman
04. Child In Time
05. Lazy / Drum Solo / The Mule
06. Space Truckin'
07. Gillan's Last Speech
02. Smoke On The Water
03. Strange Kind Of Woman
04. Child In Time
05. Lazy / Drum Solo / The Mule
06. Space Truckin'
07. Gillan's Last Speech
Burn (1974)

02. Might Just Take Your Life
03. Lay Down, Stay Down
04. Sail Away
05. You Fool No One
06. What’s Goin’ On Here
07. Mistreated
08. “A” 200
Stormbringer (1974)

02. Love Don’t Mean A Thing
03. Holy Man
04. Hold On
05. Lady Double Dealer
06. You Can’t Do It Right
07. High Ball Shooter
08. The Gypsy
09. Soldier Of Fortune
Come Taste the Band (1975)

01. Comin’ Home
02. Lady Luck
03. Gettin’ Tighter
04. Dealer
05. I Need Love
06. Drifter
07. Love Child
08. A: This Time Around.
B: Owed To “G” (Instrumental)
09. You Keep On Moving
This Time Around / Live In Tokyo (1975)

01. Burn
02. Lady Luck
03. Love Child
04. Gettin’ Tighter
05. Smoke On The Water
06. Wild Dogs
02. Lady Luck
03. Love Child
04. Gettin’ Tighter
05. Smoke On The Water
06. Wild Dogs
CD 2.
01. I Need Love
02. Soldier of Fortune
03. Jon Lord Solo
04. Lazy, Ian Paice Solo
05. This Time Around
06. Owed To G
07. Tommy Bolin Solo
08. Drifter
09. You Keep On Moving
10. Stormbringer
11. (Encore) Highway Star
02. Soldier of Fortune
03. Jon Lord Solo
04. Lazy, Ian Paice Solo
05. This Time Around
06. Owed To G
07. Tommy Bolin Solo
08. Drifter
09. You Keep On Moving
10. Stormbringer
11. (Encore) Highway Star
Made in Europe (1976)

01. Burn
02. Mistreated
03. Lady Double Dealer
04. You Fool No One
05. Stormbringer
Powerhouse (1977)

01. Painted Horse
02. Hush - live
03. Wring That Neck
04. Child In Time
05. Black Night
06. Cry Free
02. Hush - live
03. Wring That Neck
04. Child In Time
05. Black Night
06. Cry Free
Live in London, 1974 (1982)

01. Burn
02. Might Just Take Your Life
03. Lay Down Stay Down
04. Mistreated
05. Smoke On The Water
06. You Fool No One The Mule
07. Space Truckin
02. Might Just Take Your Life
03. Lay Down Stay Down
04. Mistreated
05. Smoke On The Water
06. You Fool No One The Mule
07. Space Truckin
Perfect Strangers (1984)

01. Knocking At Your Back Door
02. Under The Gun
03. Nobody’s Home
04. Mean Streak
05. Perfect Strangers
06. A Gypsy’s Kiss
07. Wasted Sunsets
08. Hungry Daze
09. Not Responsible
10. Son Of Alerik
02. Under The Gun
03. Nobody’s Home
04. Mean Streak
05. Perfect Strangers
06. A Gypsy’s Kiss
07. Wasted Sunsets
08. Hungry Daze
09. Not Responsible
10. Son Of Alerik
Anthology (1985)

01. Hush
02. Mandrake Root
03. Shield
04. Wring That Neck
05. The Bird Has Flown
06. Bloodsucker
07. Speed King
08. Black Night
09. Child in Time
10. Fireball
11. Strange Kind of Woman
12. No One Came
13. Highway Star
02. Mandrake Root
03. Shield
04. Wring That Neck
05. The Bird Has Flown
06. Bloodsucker
07. Speed King
08. Black Night
09. Child in Time
10. Fireball
11. Strange Kind of Woman
12. No One Came
13. Highway Star
CD 2.
01. Smoke on the Water
02. Pictures of Home
03. Woman from Tokyo
04. Smooth Dancer
05. Sail Away
06. Lay Down Stay Down
07. Burn
08. Stormbringer
09. Hold On
10. Gypsy
11. Mistreated
12. Gettin’ Tighter
13. Love Child
14. You Keep on Movin’
02. Pictures of Home
03. Woman from Tokyo
04. Smooth Dancer
05. Sail Away
06. Lay Down Stay Down
07. Burn
08. Stormbringer
09. Hold On
10. Gypsy
11. Mistreated
12. Gettin’ Tighter
13. Love Child
14. You Keep on Movin’
Third Night (1985)

CD 1.
01. Introduction
02. Highway Star
03. Nobody’s Home
04. Strange Kind Of Woman
05. A Gipsy’s Kiss
06. Perfect Strangers
07. Under The Gun
08. Lazy
09. Drum Solo
10. Child In Time
02. Highway Star
03. Nobody’s Home
04. Strange Kind Of Woman
05. A Gipsy’s Kiss
06. Perfect Strangers
07. Under The Gun
08. Lazy
09. Drum Solo
10. Child In Time
CD 2.
01. Knocking At Your Back Door
02. Beethoven
03. Organ Solo
04. Space Truckin’
05. Woman From Tokyo
06. Black Night
07. Smoke On The Water
02. Beethoven
03. Organ Solo
04. Space Truckin’
05. Woman From Tokyo
06. Black Night
07. Smoke On The Water
The House Of Blue Light (1987)

02. The Unwritten Law
03. Call Of The Wild
04. Mad Dog
05. Black & White
06. Hard Lovin’ Woman
07. The Spanish Archer
08. Strangeways
09. Mitzie Dupree
10. Dead Or Alive
Nobody’s Perfect (1988)

02. Strange Kind Of Woman
03. Perfect Strangers
04. Hard Lovin Woman
05. Knocking At Your Back Door
06. Child In Time
07. Lazy
08. Black Night
09. Woman From Tokyo
10. Smoke On The Water
11. Hush
Scandinavian Nights, Live in Stockholm - 1970 (1988)

CD 1.
01. Wring That Neck
02. Speed King
03. Into The Fire
04. Paint It Black
02. Speed King
03. Into The Fire
04. Paint It Black
CD 2.
01. Mandrake Root
02. Child In Time
03. Black Night
02. Child In Time
03. Black Night
Slaves and Masters (1990)

02. The Cut Runs Deep
03. Fire In The Basement
04. Truth Hurts
05. Breakfast In Bed
06. Love Conquers All
07. Fortuneteller
08. Too Much Is Not Enough
09. Wicked Ways
In The Absence of Pink: Knebworth 85 (1991)

01. Highway Star
02. Nobody’s Home
03. Strange Kind of Woman
04. Gypsy’s Kiss
05. Perfect Strangers
06. Lazy
07. Knocking at Your Back Door
08. Space Truckin’
09. Difficult to Cure
10. Speed King
11. Black Night
12. Smoke on the Water
02. Nobody’s Home
03. Strange Kind of Woman
04. Gypsy’s Kiss
05. Perfect Strangers
06. Lazy
07. Knocking at Your Back Door
08. Space Truckin’
09. Difficult to Cure
10. Speed King
11. Black Night
12. Smoke on the Water
The Battle Rages On (1993)

02. Lick It Up
03. Anya
04. Talk About Love
05. Time to Kill
06. Ramshackle Man
07. Twist in the Tale
08. Nasty Piece of Work
09. Solitaire
10. One Man’s Meat
Come Hell or High Water (1994)

02. Black Night
03. A Twist in the Tale
04. Perfect Strangers
05. Anyone’s Daughter
06. Child in Time
07. Anya
08. Speed King
09. Smoke on the Water
Purpendicular (1996)

02. Loosen My Strings
03. Soon Forgotten
04. Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming
05. Cascades: I’m Not Your Lover
06. Aviator
07. Rosa’s Cantina
08. Castle Full of Rascals
09. Touch Away
10. Hey Cisco
11. Somebody Stole My Guitar
12. Purpendicular Waltz
In Concert - King Biscuit Flower Hour, 1976 (1996)

01. Burn
02. Lady Luck
03. Gettin’ Tighter
04. Love Child
05. Smoke on the Water
06. Lazy/The Grind
02. Lady Luck
03. Gettin’ Tighter
04. Love Child
05. Smoke on the Water
06. Lazy/The Grind
CD 2.
01. This Time Around
02. Tommy Bolin Guitar Solo
03. Stormbringer
04. Highway Star & Not Fade Away
05. I’m Going Down
06. Highway Star
07. Smoke On The Water
08. Georgia On My Mind
02. Tommy Bolin Guitar Solo
03. Stormbringer
04. Highway Star & Not Fade Away
05. I’m Going Down
06. Highway Star
07. Smoke On The Water
08. Georgia On My Mind
Live at the California Jam, 1974 (1996)

01. Burn
02. Might Just Take Your Life
03. Mistreated
04. Smoke on the Water
05. You Fool No One
06. The Mule/Space Truckin'
02. Might Just Take Your Life
03. Mistreated
04. Smoke on the Water
05. You Fool No One
06. The Mule/Space Truckin'
Mk III: The Final Concerts, 1975 (1996)

CD 1.
01. Burn
02. Stormbringer
03. The Gypsy
04. Mistreated
05. Lady Double Dealer
06. Smoke on the Water
07. You Fool No One
02. Stormbringer
03. The Gypsy
04. Mistreated
05. Lady Double Dealer
06. Smoke on the Water
07. You Fool No One
CD 2.
01. Space Truckin'
02. Going Down / Highway Star
03. Mistreated
04. You Fool No One
02. Going Down / Highway Star
03. Mistreated
04. You Fool No One
Live at the Olympia '96 (1997)

CD 1.
01. Fireball
02. Maybe I'm A Leo
03. Ted The Mechanic
04. Pictures Of Home
05. Black Night
06. Cascades: I'm Not Your Lover
07. Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming
08. Woman From Tokyo
09. No One Came
02. Maybe I'm A Leo
03. Ted The Mechanic
04. Pictures Of Home
05. Black Night
06. Cascades: I'm Not Your Lover
07. Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming
08. Woman From Tokyo
09. No One Came
CD 2.
01. Rosa's Cantina
02. Smoke On The Water
03. When A Blind Man Cries
04. Speed King
05. Perfect Strangers
06. Hey Cisco
07. Highway Star
02. Smoke On The Water
03. When A Blind Man Cries
04. Speed King
05. Perfect Strangers
06. Hey Cisco
07. Highway Star
Abandon (1998)

02. Almost Human
03. Don’t Make Me Happy
04. Seventh Heaven
05. Watching the Sky
06. Fingers to the Bone
07. Jack Ruby
08. She Was
09. Whatsername
10. ‘69
11. Evil Louie
12. Bloodsucker
Gemini Suite Live, 1970 (1998)

01. First Movement: Guitar, Voice, Organ
02. Second Movement: Organ, Voice, Bass
03. Third Movement: Drums, Finale
02. Second Movement: Organ, Voice, Bass
03. Third Movement: Drums, Finale
Total Abandon / Live in Australia (1999)

01. Vavoom
02. Ted the Mechanic
03. Strange Kind of Woman
04. Bloodsucker
05. Pictures of Home
06. Almost Human
07. Woman from Tokyo
08. Watching the Sky
09. Fireball
10. Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming
11. Steve Morse Solo
12. Smoke on the Water
13. Lazy
14. Perfect Strangers
15. Speed King
16. Black Night
17. Highway Star
02. Ted the Mechanic
03. Strange Kind of Woman
04. Bloodsucker
05. Pictures of Home
06. Almost Human
07. Woman from Tokyo
08. Watching the Sky
09. Fireball
10. Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming
11. Steve Morse Solo
12. Smoke on the Water
13. Lazy
14. Perfect Strangers
15. Speed King
16. Black Night
17. Highway Star
Bananas (2003)

02. Sun Goes Down
03. Haunted
04. Razzle Dazzle
05. Silver Tongue
06. Walk On
07. Picture Of Innocence
08. I Got Your Number
09. Never A Word
10. Bananas
11. Doing It Tonight
12. Contact Lost
Perks & Tit - Live in San Diego, 1974 (2003)

01. Burn
02. Might Just Take Your Life
03. Lay Down, Stay Down
04. Mistreated
05. Smoke on the Water
06. Keyboard Solo
02. Might Just Take Your Life
03. Lay Down, Stay Down
04. Mistreated
05. Smoke on the Water
06. Keyboard Solo
Inglewood - Live at the Forum, 1968 (2004)

01. Hush
02. Kentucky Woman
03. Mandrake Root
04. Help !
05. Wring That Neck
06. River Deep, Mountain High
07. Hey Joe
02. Kentucky Woman
03. Mandrake Root
04. Help !
05. Wring That Neck
06. River Deep, Mountain High
07. Hey Joe
Kneel and Pray - Live in Montreux 69 (2004)

01. Speed King / Kneel & Pray
02. Hush
03. Child In Time
04. Wring That Neck
05. Paint It Black
06. Mandrake Root
07. Kentucky Woman
02. Hush
03. Child In Time
04. Wring That Neck
05. Paint It Black
06. Mandrake Root
07. Kentucky Woman
Rapture Of The Deep (2005)

01. Money Talks
02. Girls Like That
03. Wrong Man
04. Rapture of the Deep
05. Clearly Quite Absurd
06. Don’t Let Go
07. Back To Back
08. Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
09. Junkyard Blues
10. Before Time Began
02. Girls Like That
03. Wrong Man
04. Rapture of the Deep
05. Clearly Quite Absurd
06. Don’t Let Go
07. Back To Back
08. Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
09. Junkyard Blues
10. Before Time Began
Live in Denmark, 1972 (2005)

CD 1.
01. Highway Star
02. Strange Kind of Woman
03. Child in Time
04. The Mule
02. Strange Kind of Woman
03. Child in Time
04. The Mule
CD 2.
01. Lazy
02. Space Truckin'
03. Fireball
04. Lucille
05. Black Night
02. Space Truckin'
03. Fireball
04. Lucille
05. Black Night
Live in Paris, 1975 (2005)

CD 1.
01. Burn
02. Stormbringer
03. The Gypsy
04. Lady Double Dealer
05. Mistreated
06. Smoke On The Water
07. You Fool No One
02. Stormbringer
03. The Gypsy
04. Lady Double Dealer
05. Mistreated
06. Smoke On The Water
07. You Fool No One
CD 2.
01. Space Trucking
02. Going Down
03. Highway Star
02. Going Down
03. Highway Star
Live in Aachen, 1970 (2006)

01. Wring That Neck
02. Black Night
03. Paint It Black
04. Mandrake Root
02. Black Night
03. Paint It Black
04. Mandrake Root
Phoenix Rising (2011) Gravado em 1975.

01. Burn
02. Getting Tighter
03. Love Child
04. Smoke on The water (Including Georgia)05. Lazy
06. Homeward Strut
07. You Keep on Moving
08. Stormbringer
02. Getting Tighter
03. Love Child
04. Smoke on The water (Including Georgia)05. Lazy
06. Homeward Strut
07. You Keep on Moving
08. Stormbringer