Obama Zero Dollar Bill 25 pack
We carry the "tribute" bills so in the interest of fair play, we present the Barack Obama funny money zero dollar bill. Ran out a few times on both, back by popular demand. I actually like the rugged smoking Obama on the front of this one, the flying carpet on the other side is a bit over the top though. As with all these political bills, we are at the whim of the guy who prints these up, so "while supplies last". This is for a pad of 25 bills. Hot reseller item
Several people have produced $0 bills as a joke, with pictures of their political enemies or other people. The bills usually have "ZERO DOLLARS" marked in capital letters.
artinya kira2 :
Beberapa orang telah menghasilkan uang $ 0 sebagai lelucon, dengan gambar dari musuh-musuh politik mereka atau orang lain.